Dysport: Say Goodbye to Wrinkles

Dysport is an alternative to Botox.  An injection prescribed for for temporary improvement in the look of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows (glabellar lines) in adults less than 65 years of age.

Botox and Dysport are very similar. Both are a type of botulinum A used to smooth the appearance wrinkles and lines. However, Dysport is less expensive, and the results are much quicker (2-5 days vs 4-7 days in Botox). Dysport is more diluted than Botox, so we use more of product . However, it also causes the formula to diffuse a bit more and spread out over larger areas, meaning less injections are necessary. In just one short treatment, Dysport may help improve the look of your frown lines between the eyebrows for up to 4 months.

It’s important to remember that that all medical procedures carry risks as well as benefits. You need to discuss these with your doctor. This treatment should only be administered by trained doctors in order to avoid improper administration that result in severe reactions.

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